Dating Japanese Women In The Usa Podcast

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Want to start your love story with a Swedish mail order wife right now? Check out the best dating sites to meet real women from Sweden.

Dating Japanese Women In The Usa Podcast

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Even if you have never been to Sweden, there is probably a lot you already know about the country. The land is known for its high living standards and smoking-hot Swedish wives. Lately, Sweden has become a prime international dating destination. In 2019, 112 Swedish brides arrived in the USA with intentions to marry. Western men seem to be crazy about Swedish females, and in our article, you’ll find everything you need to know about them. We are here to ease the process of finding a bride from Sweden; and one of the ways to help you is to provide the list of top dating platforms with Swedish women for marriage here!

Why choose Swedish wives?

If you want your future wife to have European beauty, a charming personality, and to be independent and loving, you should get to know more about fabulous Swedish mail order brides.

Pure Nordic beauty

You have to admit that many guys love with their eyes. And it’s hard to argue that single Swedish ladies are blessed with pure perfection of Nordic beauty. A typical Swedish look is blond hair, very light skin with freckles, and light blue eyes. It’s instantly recognizable and rare in the world. Many Swedish mail order wives are tall and have athletic figures without even trying too much. Also, these beauties have a natural sense of style. Swedish single women have a talent to be well-dressed without caring too much about fashion.

Natural wisdom

Guys men often complain that when a woman is beautiful and sexy, she is a bit empty-headed. But a typical Swedish bride doesn’t fit such a description. Women from Sweden are notoriously smart and well-educated. Moreover, they are also blessed with natural feminine wisdom. A Swedish wife will always support her partner and be by his side.

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Loving personality

Gorgeous Swedish girls for marriage might appear a bit reserved and cold when you first meet them. But that is just a way for modern ladies to protect themselves from men breaking their hearts. In reality, women in Sweden are very loving, affectionate, and caring.

Stunning Swedish mail order brides make men go crazy about them, which is why so many rushes to join Swedish dating sites. Also, Swedes are among the best at speaking English, which helps provide a soft landing for Western newcomers.

Why do Swedish brides seek Western men?

The number of international couples in Sweden is not very high, but gorgeous Swedish single ladies find foreigners very attractive. Here are some key reasons why a Swedish mail order bride chooses to date and marry a guy from the West:

  • Appearance. Physical attraction is how the chemistry between people works. And this chemistry appears to be very high between Swedish beauties and guys from Western countries sometimes.
  • Love. Guys from the US, Canada, and Australia tend to care for their women more and treat them with proper respect. They don’t expect their partners to be desperate housewives, but they just want to love and be loved.
  • Ambition. Western guys are known for their desire to be successful in all spheres of life. They usually do their best to provide a comfortable level of life for their families and give all the best for their children.
  • Support. Sweden brides don’t need a knight to save them, but they want to have a supportive partner. They have their ambitions, career aspirations that guys from Western countries tend to understand very well.

These are only some traits that Sweden brides appreciate about Western guys. Some ladies might also like Western mentality or just feel adventurous to marry a partner from a different country. But the main thing is that with the abundance of sexy Swedish girls online, the chances are high to meet someone special.

How much does a Swedish mail order bride cost?

In the modern world of internet technologies, finding a bride from Sweden is very easy. But not knowing what it cost is a number one reason that stops singles to start the love search. Let’s explore the expenses you can face to budget your online dating properly.

  1. Dating site fees. Membership is usually around $39.99 a month for dating sites with Swedish brides that are subscription-based. But if the platform has a credit system the cost of credits can start at $3.99 for 20 credits.
  2. Roundtrip tickets (New York-Gothenburg)—$560
  3. Accommodation—$69 a day for a standard room
  4. Food—$33 a day for one
  5. Transportation—$18 a day for one
  6. Entertainment—$44 a day for two

So, the average price of a Swedish wife is $2,856. Also, don’t forget to add the cost of communication on a dating site you choose. It can be only a bit higher or double up. So, pick only reliable platforms for dating, where you pay only for what you actually use.


Sweden mail order brides may seem to be perfect. They are gorgeous, wise, and easy-going. Many are open to relationships with foreigners and are looking for a reliable man who will love them deeply. If you dream of a harmonious relationship, start looking for a Swedish wife.

When I first moved America to attend college, I was nervous about starting a life in a new country because I wasn’t sure how quickly I would be able to adapt to the new culture. Even though it had been my dream to live in America, I was very excited but nervous at the same time.

Growing up in Japan my parents were really strict and so I didn’t get an opportunity to start going on dates until after I graduated from high school. I did have a Japanese boyfriend but I ended things with him to go to school in California.

Unlike Japan, California is a true melting pot of cultures but since I had so little dating experience back home, I was nervous about getting into the dating scene in America. Mostly because I had no idea how the American dating culture worked.

I was young and naïve so it was a little scary in the beginning and I soon discovered the dating process in America is quite different from the one in Japan. In this article, I want to talk about a few major differences I saw between Japanese and American dating cultures.

Love Confession

Among Japanese teenagers the most basic way of starting to date someone is by giving them a “kokuhaku” or love confession. This sounds a bit creepy but it’s not so much telling someone you love them but rather the Japanese way of letting them know you like them and asking them out.

One thing that is very different in Japan is that it is not uncommon for a woman to ask a man out. I have to confess that I had a crush on a boy in junior high and my friends forced me to do the kokuhaku ritual. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work out as the boy wasn’t interested in me. If you confess and she/he says yes, you two could be considered a couple.

Valentine’s Day is especially popular for young women to do kokuhaku.

In America, it really depends on the person but I have never experienced this type of initiation. I find that dating is more casual and at times it’s hard to understand if we are dating or just hanging out. Something fellow GP writer, Grace Buchele Mineta mentioned in her podcast interview.

In Japan, women can confess their love so it’s not strange if we ask a man out but in America, it seems that women tend to wait for men to ask them out. This was a little strange to me because I wasn’t sure what to do if I was really into someone.

Dating Japanese Women In The Usa Podcast Free

Another thing that I noticed was that American men tend to pay for dates but Japanese men usually don’t. I did the online dating many years ago and a couple of men say that it was getting too expensive for them to ask women out because even if you meet them just for a coffee, it quickly adds up.

This isn’t a problem for Japanese men who usually will arrange a date at a very cheap cafe and still expect me to pay my share!

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Anyways, these are the things that I have learned from dating men in America and these are very uniquely different experiences. Do I prefer American or Japanese dating custom? Quite frankly I don’t think either of them is very effective.

Dating Japanese Women In The Usa Podcasts

The thing that I like about typical Japanese dating custom is that “kokuhaku” (confession) makes the start of relationships more simplified. I don’t like having to wonder if my date is interested in being in a relationship with me, and dating isn’t very fun because of the games involved in the process.

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On the other hand I like that American men are more chivalrous than Japanese men and will do things like pay for dates and hold the door open for me.

What do you guys think? Has your dating experience in Japan been different than in your home country?